Why Wing Chun Is Good For Us

Wing Chun a martial art from China with Indian origins has a lot to offer for our physical health and mental wellbeing.

  1. Simplicity works wonders for your body: Wing Chun is very easy to learn with its plain movements. This training is easy to learn regardless of age or gender. You don’t have to be in top health shape to do it, since it depends on your body gets taught efficiency of motion. This doesn’t save energy – it shows you to use it more efficiently.
  2. Reduces stress: This benefit comes as you are trained to focus entirely in the present moment, forgetting the past and stop worrying about the future. It doesn’t mean problems disappear, but the training increases your focusing ability and inner sense of peace, thus giving you more self-control. Fighting an opponent is not about killing or harming somebody but using your energy to protect yourself with least violence.
  3. Improves reflexes: The ability to respond intuitively to a dangerous situation is a useful asset. Our reflex actions with the help of muscle memory and eye reflexes to discern warning signals may save our lives. This skill is bestowed on us by the Wing Chun training. The sudden falling of objects or some harmful objects approaching us can be stopped in time. The eye movements with the coordination of our brain will always give us a big advantage while fighting or facing a dangerous situation. Your body makes the correct moves in your favour.
  4. Here you develop your speed and inner energy, “Qi” increases with little effort. The only necessity is to train regularly. One more plus point here is that you need a very small place to do it. Your office or your study room with a little leg space will do.
  5. Another very beneficial effect is that you become mentally tough and resilient. It instils discipline so that you become more organised in other areas of life. Slowly, you will increase self-confidence and faith in what you do. You don’t waste your time worrying, regretting, abusing somebody mentally and many useless exercises which our minds make us do. In other mind control and orderly life is a given in Wing Chun.

Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Art Academy,India
Sifu-Dr. Sonu Kumar Giri.

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