Wing Chun Martial Art is the best Martial Art.

Actually Wing Chun Martial Art is the best Martial Art!

       As of today we may claim that Wing Chun to be the best choice as a martial art, but this may depend on the person who is choosing it so I will make a small general comparison in this article depending on the person choosing it. Why does a person learn a martial art? For self-protection and safety, for harming somebody who has hurt him or her, for health and well being, as a curiosity or as physical culture, to discipline one’s body. However, out of these reasons the one of harming others can be discarded as in all martial arts it is taught that it can only be used in two cases – to protect from violence by others on you or your loved ones or for the common good. For learning to practice physical culture it is experienced that Wing Chun is good for health in all senses of the word and all body systems. Whether you consider karate, jujutsu, judo, kickboxing as martial each has its benefits. But I would as a comparison argue why Wing Chun is the most popular.

  • The jiu-jitsu and judo techniques are mainly dependent on the attacker’s stance, blows and body positions. That means if he is knowledgeable about these techniques he may defeat and also harm you.
  • The Indian school of Kalaripayattu(short form Kalari) is a South Indian martial art originating in Kerala and Tamil Nadu in 3rd century BC to 2nd century BC. It uses certain times swords, spears etc. This does not suit the ordinary person. Also it has three sub-schools: Arappa KayyPilla Thangi, and Vatten Thiripp. Attack, defence and a combination categorise these of these two. Thus it’s a bit different and what with weapons also involved, many do not prefer it. Also, it’s teaching is restricted to some regions of south India. So universal acceptance is not there. That is why it is not so popular.
  • The Karate techniques have many subsets – though it is popular making a choice is a bit hard. Also the tough training does not agree with everybody. Karate is at present mainly a striking art using punches, kicks, knee strikeselbow strikesand knife-hands (open-handed). There are other methods like spear hands and heel strikes too. In some styles variations are also there incorporating different styles. Local flavours also exist. So, the universal appeal is gone. That is why it has not come out favourite these days.

-Dr. Sonu Kumar Giri 


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