Wing Chun For Self Defence

Wing Chun Introduction (it’s for Self Defense) 

According to legend, Wing Chun was created by the Buddhist nun Ng Mui, who was a master of Shaolin Kung Fu. It is a relatively young martial art, most historians agree. With the help of combat training and personal experience, it was combined into a compact form of kung fu, taking advantage of the smaller fighters. Developed in the late 17th and early 18th century, specializing in close combat using striking and gripping techniques.
Wing Chun is a martial art form created by Shaolin nuns for women and older, physically weak people to defend themselves. Wing Chun protects by redirecting and distributing the energy of the opponent. By training in combat form with force – on – violence, it focuses on out – muscles of the opponent. In order to spread their energy and attack effectively, their practitioners must reflect the movements of the aggressor.
Wing Chun is a unique art because it thrives on what is known as the “fishing route.” It is unique in that it is based on the use of a short and long range of weapons like butterfly knife and long pole. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the best headgear if you want to use your Wing Chun Skillset.
Wing Chun is inadequate then other kung fu styles because anybody learn easily by releasing his most powerful attributes. Traditionally it is a very old art that is not limited to men who have long since lost sight of what really works on the street. Innovative Wing – Chun, which is an updated form. This extended form distinguishes the practitioner.
However, Wing Chun’s catching is more similar to a traditional form of kung fu or martial arts. But its training system is different , This is undoubtedly controversial and occurs in many different styles, but it is best known for its use of a captured hand. Trapped Hand is a kung fu system in which the arms are used to bind and control the arms of your opponent to control them while you control your opponent and land your own punches. wing chun fundamentals is to teach us how to use the strength and relaxation of your body structure to generate more energy than you ever thought was possible.
This system of self-defense works, whether the fight is standing or falling to the ground, armed or unarmed. Innovative Wing Chun is today one of the most powerful martial arts in the world. Western martial art influenced, it is the original mixed – martial – art of China. Known for its high level of energy, strength, speed and precision, this abundance is delivered in abundance and is specifically designed to defeat the enemy’s most powerful weapons, such as weapons of mass destruction and the use of force.
Instead of focusing on physical strength, speed and more, Wing Chun focuses more on body structure, rest and exercise and requires practice, consistency and mental concentration for greater physical strength. It is an empty – hand self-defense system, which means that you can defend yourself with any weapon, which is most important if you are not armed with a dagger or a weapon, if you are suddenly cornered by a gang on a quiet street. Because it is practical, adaptable, and a combat system based on tactile reflexes, it is particularly effective against strong enemies.
Thanks for reading!

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a Good Martial Art

  As far as self-defence goes it has been with us since the stone age. As this skill evolved man realised the need to modify and specialise these skills to make it useful to all – irrespective of age or gender. One of the most popular self-defence system Kung Fu had a new avatar Wing Chun which is the latest popular form. With very subtle and powerful changes made in it to make it “everybody” friendly, and universally good for all. Let’s see how it became good:

  1. Most of the people’s awareness is just at the crude level. Most don’t think how awareness will help them in life. While training for Wing Chun stress is laid on spatial awareness. To judge your opponent, you need to judge distances and objects around you – how far away they are. Looks like an obvious thing – doesn’t it come naturally? Do we need to do it deliberately and train for it? Yes, we have to – we are incomplete without it. As you learn spatial awareness you also learn that how objects affect you and how you can protect ourselves from things moving around you, your reflexes become sharper, coordinated and more efficient, with the result that you are safe from sudden influxes of objects moving towards you. You learn to “see” with your body.
  2. Wing Chun is an excellent way to improve your posture. It needs for you to become posture conscious and maintain a stance out of habit and due to exercise. Earlier too, you were doing it but not consciously. Now in training you are doing it consciously and deliberately, through scientific practice. So, it just registers strongly in your mind and turns in your body deeply, so that it will be there all your life. A proper posture improves breathing and circulation, makes the spine stronger, steadies your body and balances the nervous system.
  3. Now nobody undervalues discipline in their lives, but neither anybody practices in this age of uncertainty and insecurity. It’s a need felt by everybody, but how to learn it? Wing Chun teaches you to get it in a fun way – you will enjoy it so much and realise its benefits that you will start wondering why you did not do it earlier. The exercises and movements make it necessary to be disciplined – you must do it regularly with the company of other learners. It becomes a routine which you go on to like it the more you do it.
  4. One more thing which appeals to everybody is that Wing Chun is logical and scientifically proven. The principles of mechanics and physics are the basis of governing most of the techniques of Wing Chun. Since it appeals to logic, it is easily understood and the thing which is easily understood is also very easily remembered. And then the training and its practical use also go like a breeze.


Wing Chun India

Why Wing Chun Is Good For Us

Wing Chun a martial art from China with Indian origins has a lot to offer for our physical health and mental wellbeing.

  1. Simplicity works wonders for your body: Wing Chun is very easy to learn with its plain movements. This training is easy to learn regardless of age or gender. You don’t have to be in top health shape to do it, since it depends on your body gets taught efficiency of motion. This doesn’t save energy – it shows you to use it more efficiently.
  2. Reduces stress: This benefit comes as you are trained to focus entirely in the present moment, forgetting the past and stop worrying about the future. It doesn’t mean problems disappear, but the training increases your focusing ability and inner sense of peace, thus giving you more self-control. Fighting an opponent is not about killing or harming somebody but using your energy to protect yourself with least violence.
  3. Improves reflexes: The ability to respond intuitively to a dangerous situation is a useful asset. Our reflex actions with the help of muscle memory and eye reflexes to discern warning signals may save our lives. This skill is bestowed on us by the Wing Chun training. The sudden falling of objects or some harmful objects approaching us can be stopped in time. The eye movements with the coordination of our brain will always give us a big advantage while fighting or facing a dangerous situation. Your body makes the correct moves in your favour.
  4. Here you develop your speed and inner energy, “Qi” increases with little effort. The only necessity is to train regularly. One more plus point here is that you need a very small place to do it. Your office or your study room with a little leg space will do.
  5. Another very beneficial effect is that you become mentally tough and resilient. It instils discipline so that you become more organised in other areas of life. Slowly, you will increase self-confidence and faith in what you do. You don’t waste your time worrying, regretting, abusing somebody mentally and many useless exercises which our minds make us do. In other mind control and orderly life is a given in Wing Chun.

Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Art Academy,India
Sifu-Dr. Sonu Kumar Giri.

Wing Chun’s Medalist in State Championship 2018.

Congratulations to all students who have been awarded in the 13th state championship 2018. “I am Proud of my wining Students, who is  winning medals and trophy tor the organization (Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Art Academy).”

Lap Sau In Wing Chun System

Lap Sau in Wing Chun System:-

Wing Chun is a Chinese martial arts and well known as a Chinese boxing, basically wing chun’s maximum techniques are based on hand movements, wing chun system have many blocking and technique. i.e. lap sau. An elegant rolling and rising hand (bong sau block) that deflects upwards with accurate angle a center line punch to the face. The horizontal blocking forearms rotted as it rises. Increasing deflection energy. Attempt to poke at a spinning drum with a stick will show how the principle works. Mid-section blocks generally use the forearms because they are fairly long sweep a wide area clear, whereas hands are seldom longer than 220 mm, so blocks which use them must be very accurate. Forearm blocks use a windscreen wiper action, striking the attacker’s forearms with the thumb-side of your wrist. Alternatively they use a clubbing action that swings your forearms into the side of centerline punch.

Advantages of the lap sau :  Circular blocks sweep a very wide area and can be effective against all types of attack. Their principle can be illustrated by straightening both arms and then circling them in opposite direction across the front of your body and face.

Important :  use the forearm in an upwards rolling manner to deflect an attack. This is an effective short range block, Wing Chun Blocking system.

Although this technique is very effective in real life for self-defense and has many advantages, as we use this technique, we are neglected on the reaction, because we have absolute control over the opponent. This technique does not let the opponent escape from us, etc.

Lap sau technique is very important technique among the basic techniques of Wing Chun, which must be practiced well.

Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Art Academy, India Team.

Siu Lim Tao

Siu Lim Tao:-

Siu Lim Tao is the first form of Wing Chun kung fu system. Siu Lim Tao means “The Little Idea for beginning”. This is Seed of Wing Chun kung fu. It is also called as foundation of Wing Chun system, foundation of correct stance, correct hand position and basic fundamental techniques.

Siu Lim Tao is taught in three different part, each part has its own significance.

First Part: First part mainly focus on developing good and stable posture or stance, relaxation, and developing “chi Energy”. The first part is perform as slowly as possible and effortlessly which mean while performing you should be slow, stable, awake, focused and without using muscle power. This part is also considered as preparatory steps for Chi Meditation. At the initial level it is practiced without acknowledging our breath and focus only on movements and hand position. Once we have stable posture and mastered the relaxation technique taught earlier then we can practice the same first part focusing on our breath. As we start practicing first  part concentrating on our breath, we experience different feeling related to energy at different level of practice. It is very common that few student feel warmth or cold depending on individual practice and aura. This is the base and more importance should be given to this part as compared to other. Most of the student feel swinging in air when practiced with closed eyes. Every student feels it differently depending how he practice on day to day basis.

The first part give more importance on Centerline punch, its position, placement, grabbing and how it should be executed. Apart from that this part put more emphasis on Tan Sau, Fuk Sau and Huen Sau as well and teaches the student to its correct placement and movement.

One can learn and master these movement under the guidance of qualified Wing Chun instructor and reap the benefits of it.

Second part: Second section explain the release of power which was created in first section. We start with both hands at a time while maintaining a balanced structure. More emphasis is taken on releasing power while keeping our body completely relaxed. This part teaches the student that how and when to release energy. This is very important step as without the knowledge of this part one cannot become an effective practitioner.

Third part: Third section teaches the basic technique of Wing Chun and all the techniques are performed by one hand at a time while keeping other hand relaxed.

This form is a single man fighting system and teaches the student as how to simultaneously defend and attack a single attacker. This form put more focus on centerline attack and defense without any footwork or movement of body.

Article By Shri Suresh Jaiswar,

Wing Chun Kung Fu Martial Art Academy, Mumbai.